Sunday, March 5, 2017

Shale Gas (fracking) assignment

Based on Yale Climate Connections, fracking has many pros and cons,but I agree with the cons side of fracking. As I read about fracking and how it damages the Earth, I realized that even though there are benefits to fracking, the consequences over power them. For example, water contamination is a concern because fracking contaminates water sources with methane and with unknown chemicals, which in some cases have caught on fire. I agree with the Yale Climate Connections that fracking is very dangerous, not just for us, but also for the Earth. Also stated in the Yale Climate Connections, it mentions how fracking releases greenhouse gases. I agree with this and also why renewable energy should be used instead. In the video, the narrator talks about how some of the fracking pipes can leak and have toxic exhaust. This is very dangerous for the people living near a fracking station and for our environment. Also I agree with the facts that water contamination is vital and can cause many animals and humans to die. The video showed a lot of caws dieing because they drank out of contaminated water. Although fracking reduces carbon dioxide emissions, there are other chemicals and greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. People need to be aware that fracking is not the most sustainable way of getting natural gases. Also when people take shortcuts in this industry, it causes a lot of damage to the people in the nearby area and the animals living close by too. In the end, fracking is dangerous for people, animals, and our environment.

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